U.S. Rep. Ron Barber is Honored for His Work on Behalf of Public Education

Press Release

Date: Oct. 17, 2013
Location: Tuscon, AZ
Issues: K-12 Education

U.S. Rep. Ron Barber today was honored with the Ray Davies Lifetime Humanitarian for his work on behalf of the Education Enrichment Foundation which he helped to start 30 years ago.

"Public education is a cornerstone of our democracy," said Barber, who noted that he, his wife and their two daughters attended public schools. "But for public education to succeed, it is essential that community members come together to stand up for and support public schools."

In 1983, Barber became the first board chair of what was then called the Educational Enrichment Fund, signing the articles of incorporation. Since then, EEF has raised and donated more than $4.5 million to support the students and teachers of the Tucson Unified School District.

Barber was honored for his lifelong commitment to public education and for inspiring donors, volunteers and board members to grow the EEF, now the oldest education foundation in Arizona.

In accepting the award, Barber credited "the three women in my life" -- his wife, Nancy, and their daughters, Jenny and Crissi for their support.

EEF also honored Citi-Tucson for its continuing efforts to improve the community through volunteer work by its employees and donations from employees and the company.

The award is named for Ray Davies, an 85-year-old retired educator, 61-year resident of Tucson and historical researcher of Holocaust education. He has spent his life promoting tolerance and expanding human and civil rights for all people.
